Bioanalytical Sensors GRC Recap

A beautiful campus, fascinating science talks, and many hours of networking combined for an exciting week at the bioanalytical sensors Gordon Research Conference. Krista, Nico, Gloria, and Ryan attended the conference held on Salve Regina’s campus in Newport, RI during the last week of June. Professors, post-docs, and graduate students traveled to RI from all over the world to share the latest advancements coming from their labs.

After some tricky travel situations, Gloria, Nico, Krista, and Biteen Lab graduate student Anna Calkins attended the Gordon Research Symposium, a two-day event held prior to the GRC for only post-docs and graduate students. They met new friends and shared their research at the poster sessions.

Ryan kicked off the Monday morning scientific talks by highlighting the lab’s work in his talk titled: “New Directions in (Bio)chemical Sensing Using Droplet Microfluidics”. The graduate students presented their own work at multiple poster sessions throughout the week:

Gloria: DropCUTT – Leveraging the Capabilities of Droplets to Automate Enzymatic Tethering Assays

Nico: Multiparametric analysis via a droplet microfluidic-based, transmission phase grating

Krista: Using Microring Resonators for Detection of Viral Biomarkers

Gloria’s poster was voted one of the top four poster presentations and she was invited to give a scientific talk on the last night of the conference. She pulled together an amazing presentation and we are so proud of her for earning this recognition.

Outside of presenting and listening to leaders in the field share their research, the group enjoyed exploring Newport, RI. They wandered downtown to the Wharf and Tennis Hall of Fame, went to a winery, explored the cliff walk, toured Breakers (one of the Newport mansions), and relaxed near the ocean with fellow conference attendees.

One of the week's highlights was making new connections with other graduate students, post-docs, professors, and industry professionals. The group made many great memories and would like to thank the organizers for putting on such a great program of events.