Congrats to Dr. Emily Mordan!

In the Bailey Lab’s first virtual defense, Dr. Emily Mordan defended her thesis titled “Addressing Common HPLC Detector Challenges using Silicon Photonic Microring Resonators with Applications for Polymer Separations and More." 

This January, she will begin her career at Dow, as a Senior Research Specialist in Analytical R&D!

Congratulations to Emily from all of us in the Bailey Lab!


Congratulations to Sara and Ellen on this latest publication!

Phosphatidylethanolamine-phosphatidylserine binding synergy of seven coagulation factors revealed using Nanodisc arrays on silicon photonic sensors



Blood coagulation is regulated through protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions that occur at the sub-endothelium following vascular damage. Soluble clotting proteins bind to membrane components in a phosphatidylserine (PS) dependent manner to assemble multi-protein complexes that regulate clot formation; however, PS is of limited abundance physiologically. In this manuscript, we investigate synergy between PS and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE)-a lipid of much higher abundance naturally. Using a label-free, silicon photonic technology, we constructed arrays of Nanodiscs having variable lipid composition and probed the binding interactions of seven different clotting factors with GLA domains that have never been studied in tandem experiments before. The factors studied were prothrombin, activated factor VII, factor IX, factor X, activated protein C, protein S, and protein Z. Equilibrium dissociation constants (Kd) for each coagulation factor binding to Nanodiscs with unique compositions of PE and PS were determined. While all factors showed greater binding affinities in the presence of PS and PE, the most dramatic improvements in binding were observed when PS quantities were lowest. This demonstrates that synergy is effective in promoting coagulation factor binding under physiological lipid compositions, as opposed to the artificially high PS content probed in most in vitro activity studies.

Read the full article here!

Congratulations to Shannon, Alex and our Braun group collaborators on the New Publication!

Real-Time Measurement of Polymer Brush Dynamics Using Silicon Photonic Microring Resonators: Analyte Partitioning and Interior Brush Kinetics

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Polymer brushes are found in biomedical and industrial technologies, where they exhibit functionalities considerably dependent on polymer brush–solvent–analyte interactions. It remains a difficult challenge to quickly analyze solvent-swollen polymer brushes, both at the solvent–polymer brush interface and in the brush interior, as well as to monitor the kinetics of interaction of solvent-swollen brushes with key analytes. Here, we demonstrate the novel use of silicon photonic microring resonators to characterize in situ swollen polymer brush–analyte interactions. By monitoring resonant wavelength shifts, we find that brush–solvent–analyte interaction parameters can be extracted from a single set of data or from successive analyte introductions using a single brush-coated sensor. The partition coefficient of three industrially relevant plasticizers into hydrophobic and hydrophilic brushes was determined and found to be in agreement with known solubility trends. We found that the diffusion coefficient of the plasticizer into the brush decreases as brush thickness increases, supporting a model of a dense inner brush layer and diffuse outer layer. pKa’s of pH-sensitive brushes were determined on the microring resonator platform; upon increasing the dry brush thickness, the pKa for poly(2-dimethylamino ethyl methacrylate) decreased from 8.5 to approach the bulk material pKa of 7.3 and showed dependence on the presence and concentration of salt. These proof-of-concept experiments show how the surface-sensitive nature of the microring resonator detection platform provides valuable information about the interaction of the polymer brushes with the solvents and analytes, not easily accessed by other techniques.

Read the full paper here!

2020 Karle Symposium Recap

The 2020 Karle Symposium was held on July 31st. While in a virtual format this year, current students, alumni, faculty and outside researchers were still given the opportunity to learn about the novel research occurring in the chemistry labs here at UM. The Karle symposium is a yearly event named for Isabella and Jerome Karle, distinguished graduates of our department, who worked together to advance X-ray crystallography methods. Jerome Karle won the Nobel Prize in 1985 for their contribution to the field.

The Bailey lab was represented at the symposium in multiple formats. Rising third year, Nick Glenn, kicked off the student talks with his presentation titled: “Development of a Microfluidic Droptode for the Detection of Macromolecular Heparin”. Later in the day, rising third year, Claire Cook, presented in the analytical cluster’s poster session with a poster titled “Developing microfluidic tools to assess epigenetic heterogeneity among single cells”. Claire received a “Student Poster Presentation Award” sponsored by Dow for her work! Rising fourth year, Gloria Diaz, served on the symposium’s organizing committee team as a chair-elect, meaning she is set to chair the event with another graduate student in 2021.

The virtual event was filled with student talks, poster sessions, a PPG plenary lecture, and a Dow plenary lecture that highlighted collaborations with labs here in the chemistry department. The day concluded with the keynote lecture by Dr. Gabe Kwong of Georgia Tech and Emory School of Medicine titled “Chemical Approaches to Synthetic Immunity”. Great work to all of those involved in the symposium, especially to our lab-mates involved, and congratulations to Claire on her poster award!

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