Fernando Gomez

1st year Graduate Student in Chemistry
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

In the Bailey Lab, Fernando will work with Marina on the group’s nanodisc projects!

GET TO KNOW Fernando

Undergraduate Degree: 2022 B.A. Chemistry, Colorado College

Favorite food: Birria Tacos or Gyros

Favorite TV shows: Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad

Favorite sports to watch: Football (LA Rams), Basketball (LA Lakers), Track and Field, and Soccer

Favorite place visited: Tikal National Park in Guatemala

What lab-themed superpower would you like to have? Telekinetic writing, typing, and pipetting!

If you were not doing science, what would you be doing? I’d be a sports announcer.

What can people find you doing outside of the lab? Going to the gym, fly fishing, or listening to music!